Second Dividend Checks Issued to Ohio Employers


A second round of dividend checks from the Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation will be mailed toOhio employers beginning this week through the end of October.  The dividends equal 100 percent of the premium employers paid in policy year 2019.

The money is being given back to employers in response to Governor DeWine's request in August that the Ohio BWC Board of Directors approve a second dividend to provide financial support for public and private employers impacted by the ongoing pandemic.

A wide-ranging program to address the needs of struggling Ohioans, including funding for rent, mortgages, and water and sewer utility bills, as well as funding for small businesses and nonprofits, will be announced in the near future. That money will come out of Ohio’s remaining $900 million in federal coronavirus aid.

We will post new developments and announcements as we receive them.  Stay safe everyone!



DJL Accounting & Consulting Group, Inc.
1570 South Canfield-Niles Road #C102
Youngstown, Ohio 44515 

Phone:  330 779 0781



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